Pulut Kuning Berhias

| Wedding | Birthday | Anniversary | Newborn | | Graduation | Corporate Event | & more...

Why Pulut Berhias?

Tired of cakes? Awe your guests with our beautifully crafted Pulut Berhias. Add that special touch to your event as our Pulut Berhias is the perfect choice for your special occasions like Wedding Ceremony, Birthday, Anniversary and many more. And for those who crave for uniqueness and exclusivity, our custom made Pulut Berhias is absolutely for you..

What is Pulut Berhias?

Pulut Berhias is our own special version of Pulut Kuning (Glutinous Rice soaked in Turmeric) which is a traditional Malay dish that is usually served with Beef or Chicken Rendang or Chicken Curry during special occasions like wedding ceremony, birthday and such. We have the most extensive design and beautifully crafted Pulut Kuning in the market to suit your every needs.

New Product Coming Soon!

Some of the products featured in the slideshow are not included yet in our current product catalog. Insyaallah by end of this month, our new catalog will be published! Stay tune for further development.

However, if you are interested in these products you can contact us thru:

1. Call us at 03 - 9074 5140 or 012 - 371 9855
2. Fill in the Online Enquiry Form (click here)
3. Or shoot us an e-mail at magnificent.prudence @ gmail.com

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